


2023-07-08 22:29 来源: 新华社

新华社北京7月8日电(记者 潘洁)国务院副总理、中美经贸中方牵头人何立峰8日在京会见美财政部长耶伦。双方围绕落实中美元首巴厘岛会晤重要共识,就两国和世界经济金融形势、合作应对全球共同挑战等进行了深入、坦诚、务实的交流,会谈具有建设性。



READOUT: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Meeting with Vice Premier He Lifeng of the People’s Republic of China


July 8, 2023 10:56 PM (GMT+8)July 8, 2023 10:56 PM (GMT+8)

BEIJING – Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. 北京——财政部长珍妮特·L.

Yellen today had an introductory meeting and dinner with Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China He Lifeng to build on President Biden and President Xi’s guidance to deepen engagement between key senior officials on macroeconomic issues. 耶伦今天与中华人民共和国副总理何立峰举行了介绍性会议并共进晚餐,以拜登总统和习主席的指导为基础,深化主要高级官员之间在宏观经济问题上的接触。

The meeting was candid, constructive, and comprehensive. While raising issues of concern, Secretary Yellen discussed the Administration’s approach to seek healthy economic competition with China, with a level playing field for American workers and businesses. 会议坦诚、富有建设性、全面。在提出令人担忧的问题时,耶伦国务卿讨论了政府寻求与中国进行良性经济竞争、为美国工人和企业提供公平竞争环境的方法。

They also exchanged views on global and domestic macroeconomic outlooks. 双方还就全球和国内宏观经济前景交换了意见。

Secretary Yellen also conveyed that even when the United States and China have disagreements, it is vital that the two countries find ways to work together on issues of shared – and global – concern, including debt distress in low-income and emerging economies and climate finance. 耶伦国务卿还表示,即使美国和中国存在分歧,两国也必须找到在全球共同关心的问题上进行合作的方法,包括低收入和新兴经济体的债务困境以及气候融资。

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